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Monday, 29 June 2015

The letter Y

Yogi was a yapping dog who would yap-yap loud and hard.
Yogi yip-yapped in the house, and he yip-yapped in the yard!

Yolanda had a yellow bird who would yodel her a song.
When Yolanda fed him yogurt, the bird yodeled all day long!

Now, here are two more popular y words. Come on and take a guess!
The answer is you, spelled y-o-u, and yes, spelled y-e-s!

I used all the words beginning with Y from my dictionary. I even used Dutch words beginning with IJ or ij. Now I am at the end of my imagination! Perhaps this? 



If you want to take part in the ABC Wednesday meme, please don't forget to mention this meme and mrs. Nesbitt's name, for she invented this meme more than 8 years ago. And the subject of your post must start with the letter of the week.

Thank you! 

Wil, ABCW Team


ABC Wednesday 16Y

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Those singing heads are a bit spooky!

    Thanks for all you do for ABC Wednesday!

  2. Yowza! I loved the Andrew Sisters feel of the ABC Mouse video! Thanks for sharing the alliteration in these lyrics.

  3. Well now I'm curious about the letter z from that cute video....nice intro♪

  4. Yikes! You've done well with your y-words!
    My "Y" stand for YARRA River, the river that runs through my home city, Melbourne.

  5. Yabba-dabba-doo! Can that verse be yodelled?
    My "Y" is for YARROW

  6. y oh y oh y oh y y y. . . I'm singing about the letter Y.

  7. I loved the Young spirit in this post! Your letter "Y" words made me smile for sure!
